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Upcoming Forums

Unmanned Aerial Systems Open Innovation Forum
September 28-29, 2015
Stillwater, OK

Past Forums

Unmanned Aerial Systems Open Innovation Forum
October 29-30, 2014
Stillwater, OK

WBT Open Innovation at the 2014 FLC Mid-Continent / Far West Regional Meeting
August 26, 2014
Denver, CO

WBT Open Innovation Forum

To compete in today’s global economy American business seeks new markets, new products, and new processes. Success often turns on gaining access to new technologies.

Open Innovation is a system for finding and acquiring new technologies from anywhere in the world to enhance a company’s product pipeline at home.*

The WBT Open Innovation Forum™ is a full day event hosted by regional economic development organizations. The Forum introduces the concepts and methods of Open Innovation to local companies, with a focus on an existing or emerging sector of strength within the region.


Participants learn how to:

  • Scout for a new technology
  • License a patented technology
  • Partner with a research institution to develop a new technology


The WBT Open Innovation Forum™ explores:

  • Patent portfolio strategy aimed at maximizing value
  • Patent landscaping techniques to vet potential partners and identify competitors
  • Case studies on in-licensing and out-licensing

The day concludes with a technology exchange and networking reception that brings together technology developers and seekers among industry, laboratories and academia.

Through a WBT Open Innovation Forum™ a region can enhance its economic strength as local firms gain a competitive edge and emerge as smart users of the world’s best technology resources.

* R&D investments in 2011
  • $147 Billion by the U.S. Government
  • $256 Billion by U.S. companies in the U.S.
  • $1.2 Trillion by Institutions throughout the world

Download the WBT Open Innovation Flyer (PDF)